Sans Wine & Spirits

“Ray and the Millennium team have been amazing. We give credit where credit is due.”
John Sans

Until 2020, Sans operated their business using a mix of QuickBooks and Excel spreadsheets. Due to continued growth in sales and an increase in the number of products they offer, they chose to purchase and implement Acctivate as an order management and inventory control system. Sans began the implementation process by working directly with Acctivate. After a few weeks, however, Sans sought out the expertise of an Acctivate partner to help manage the implementation process and shepherd the project through to completion. Sans chose to partner with Millennium Business Solutions Group after being referred to us by Alterity (Acctivate’s parent company).

Once engaged, Millennium developed a detailed implementation plan and worked with Sans management and staff to develop a strong understanding of the company’s processes, workflow, logistics, and business intelligence needs.

Project goals that were identified and achieved included:

To meet these goals, Millennium helped Sans determine how best to handle their G/L account mapping, made recommendations on how to structure their sales and purchasing workflows, created and/or modified reports to meet their business intelligence needs, and added custom fields and database queries to extend Acctivate’s functionality where necessary.

Sans had a successful Acctivate go live with no loss of revenue or missed shipments and continue to be a valued Millennium client. “I can’t say enough good things about the team at Sans,” said Ray Westcott, Millennium’s project lead. “Their commitment and overall level of engagement was a key factor in the success of this project.

About Client

Sans Wine and Spirits is a privately-owned specialty importer and broker of premium quality, niche, and moderately priced alcohol brands.

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